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FiveM Police Dispatch - get alerts, dispatch units, draw on map and more!

45.00 EUR
14-day Money Back Guarantee

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Resource Description

Experience a reinvented police experience with our fully featured job dispatch. The resource is available out of the box for ESX & QBCore frameworks. 


Alerts switchboard:

  • Watch the code, the type and the alert category, enhanced with the units that are attending the alert.
  • See a road image when someone steals a vehicle.
  • Use the switchboard as a fast assign method to unit or radio frequency.
  • Tell to your colleagues that you are attending to the alert directly from it.


Map panel:

  • Fully featured panel with a real-time map of your server, where you can watch the alerts and the officers.
  • Watch detailed information on every alert.
  • Create and assign your colleagues to units to have a fully organized squad.
  • Watch and analyze how criminals work with a detailed stats page, with heat maps and much more!
  • Change how your map blip behaves.


Radio system:

  • A brand new radio system that brings you private radios for each unit, a global radio and TAC channels.
  • Without changing your radio frequency, emits to everyone in your job or just to specific frequencies.
  • If you need more privacy, you can join a TAC channel and stop hearing the global radio.
  • Working with pma-voice (It is necessary to use the pma resource uploaded in our GitHub[ ])


Draw system:

  • Plan your strategies painting in the map with a really cool toolset, and watch how your draws are reflected in your GTA map.
  • Save your draws to use them later.
  • Create custom draws for each unit.

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If you need help or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on our discord.

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10AM – 10PM CET