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Standalone ESX/QBCore

rcore_television | Need TV?

25.00 EUR
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Resource Description

This resource uses escrow Fivem protection.

rcore television

Take a break from a long day and watch some of your favorite TV shows/movies with friends/alone.

Feature list
- 3D sound
- All is server synced
- Time is synced with other players
- Can run on any framework
- Can play any song from direct URL / Livestream / radio stream
- Option to set default volume for player
- Option to change all commands label
- Option to change the distance for certain TV (a way how to make cinema)
- Option to have a whitelist for URL
- Option to have a blacklist for URL
- Option to make custom support for the website in config
- Option to have default playlist in TV
- Option to add new TV into config
- Option to lock TV model for a certain job only

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If you need help or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on our discord.

12h/day Support
10AM – 10PM CET